We love it lively!
Biodiversity in Val Venosta’s agriculture: an affair of the heart
A bee hums idly from flower to flower, a ladybird balances along the stem of a leaf and a blackbird hides between the first green little apples. Val Venosta’s apple orchards are simply wonderful! Flourishing flowers, creeping animals and busy insects - it doesn’t go without notice that there’s much more in our orchards than just apples. There is a technical term for diversity between grasses and trees: biodiversity. But what is actually behind it? How is it possible to promote biodiversity in agriculture and how do our producers do that?
Every form of life counts
Biodiversity means diversity of life: diversity of ecosystems and varieties but also diversity within species. Every form of life counts in the complex system of nature – no matter if people, animals, fungi or plants. We are inseparably linked with each other and this is why protecting biodiversity should become an affair of the heart for all of us. Click through the three fields of biodiversity and learn about the ecosystem in orchards.
Biodiversity means diversity of life: diversity of ecosystems and varieties but also diversity within species. Every form of life counts in the complex system of nature – no matter if people, animals, fungi or plants. We are inseparably linked with each other and this is why protecting biodiversity should become an affair of the heart for all of us. Click through the three fields of biodiversity and learn about the ecosystem in orchards.
Who cares? We do!
You can look away and leave nature to itself or you can be attentive and protect it actively. For Val Venosta’s apple producers it’s part of their daily life – just as planting and harvesting. Why? It’s obvious. The land that they sometimes care about for a lifetime is the basis of their own existence and the one of the next generation as well. But what does the commitment of the apple producers have to do with biodiversity? Click on the symbols in the picture to find out!
How does biodiversity work in agriculture?
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