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Welcome to
the Apple Paradise

Here in Val Venosta there is a magic world to discover

Who says that paradise doesn’t exist has never been to Val Venosta. This is where our story starts, immersed in an inviting valley full of life. It’s a wonderful story that started a long time ago and has its roots in the apple producers’ passion, in the purity of a very rich ecosystem and in the unique taste of genuineness.

Val Venosta Apples are at the center of this story, of course. They are protected by mountains and caressed by a fresh breeze, which allows them to securely develop their distinctive taste: the taste of paradise that is as natural as the climate, as good as our apple producers’ soul and as sweet as the experience of those who cultivate naturalness day by day.

No other apples grow as well as those of the Apple Paradise. This is why we decided to tell their story in a way that we have never done before: by revealing all secrets that make our valley a unique, enchanting and perfect place for living the magic of an innovative, natural and sustainable apple production area. Because this is exactly what Val Venosta is.

Here in Val Venosta our apples are hugged by nature.

We grow them at the heart of the Alps.

The Paradise is our home

Val Venosta is so high above the sea level that we can touch the apple trees with a finger. High mountains protect our valley from adverse weather conditions and the fresh and pure mountain air allows our apples to grow healthy and strong, just as you might expect from South Tyrol’s most magical place. From the heart of the Alps to the sky, there is just one way that leads to the Apple Paradise: the way that our apple producers follow day by day to produce the unique taste of a mountain apple.
Only the Apple Paradise has such a climate
Here in Val Venosta our apples are sun-kissed. Because there are more than 300 sunny days per year.
Only the Apple Paradise has such a climate
Val Venosta Apples mature in the sun during the day and enjoy the refreshing tranquility at night. They owe their extraordinary taste to Val Venosta’s perfect climatic conditions and the result is simply outstanding: the Apple Paradise’s breeze is in every single bite. It is almost as if our apples had a long love story because they are sun-kissed on more than 300 days per year. Not for nothing are they the valley’s most beautiful couple.

Here in Val Venosta young people also want to become apple producers.

Because the passion for this job is in our DNA.

Tell me which apples you produce and I tell you which kind of apple producer you are.

There’s no point in beating around the bush: Apple production is part of our DNA. Since 1950, Val Venosta’s farmers have put all their energy into producing extraordinary apples by hand and leaving a responsible and promising legacy to future generations. Today, 1,700 apple producers form a strong unit with the same goal: cultivating good, healthy and natural apples and protecting the nature of the Apple Paradise.
Naturally good
Here in Val Venosta apple producers are hoteliers as well. Every year, they accommodate millions of bees.
Naturally good
Where else can Mother Nature live if not in the Apple Paradise? It’s no secret that apples thrive in Val Venosta, as they can grow in the fresh air in harmony with nature. Thanks to the sustainable attitude of our producers every single apple gets a special treatment such as the company of the ladybirds: they are our best friends and indicative of a healthy, luxuriant environment.

A perfect production area

Here in Val Venosta apples are the salt of the earth – in every way.

Heart, mind and passion are united by tasteful quality and naturalness, follow the rhythms of nature and allow us to find the paradisiac and genuine taste of our mountains in every tree. Val Venosta owes its uniqueness as a perfect apple production area to its origin, the special microclimate, tradition and sustainability.

The Apple Paradise is a fantastic world where the colors, inhabitants, apple producers and agricultural products are the protagonists of a good and, above all, natural magic.

Discover the Apple Paradise

Look how Val Venosta becomes a miniature world between realty and magic



True friends share everything

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